
Using golive you can insert images in GIF, JPEG and PICT formats. PICT images are automatically converted into GIF format.

To insert an image into your document, drag the image icon from the Palette onto your page. Double clicking the icon opens a dialog where you can specify the image URL as well as an alternative text. In general, images which are defined as links are displayed with a border in your link color. To avoid this, click the checkbox of the "Custom Border" text field and enter "0".

For the image alignment choose "bottom", "middle" or "top". Choose "runaround left " or "runaround right" if you want text wrapping around the image. This function is not yet displayed in golive but will be displayed correctly in your browser.

Image dialog

Server Maps

This version of golive supports server-side image maps which means that golive generates a map file which has to be interpreted by a CGI application (e.g. MapServe for Apple Macintosh web servers). The CGI application resides on the web server and thus is platform-specific. It is not part of the go live software package. In the Server Map dialog clicking on the "Edit Map..." button brings up a new window where you can define regions on your map as circles, rectangles or polygons.

Clickable maps window

Choose one way and specify the region directly on your image by mouse click. If you want to edit an already defined region, click on it again.

golive offers different ways to display your map. There is the possibility to hide or show the runaround line as well as the colored shade. Furthermore, you can decide if you want to see the map URL. If your map is ready, click OK to save it into the folder where your image is from.

golive supports both commonly used map file formats (CERN and NCSA).

Client Maps

To define a client-side image map choose "Client Map",press the "Edit Map..." button, and define your regions and URLs as circles, rectangles or polygons. Type your URLs in the corresponding text field or choose them by browsing and press the "Set" button. Having done these steps you can test your map directly in your browser application.

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